When you want to visit a favorite resort, you should plan your holiday in advance. But there is also place for spontaneous desire to travel, or for the cases when the need arises. Tourists in this case, may find it convenient to use a chartered flight, which will save travel budget and organize your holidays in the shortest possible time. But keep in mind that air carriers oppose to the economical ("last minute") flight option, establishing more stringent restrictions for passengers on these flights.

Charter flights - are flights performed during the "high" season, regardless of the schedule. Aircraft type can be determined in 1-2 days prior to departure, depending on the load. Charters fly in "windows" between regular flights and are performed as a chain of "there and right back" (the plane delivers new tourists and immediately takes away those who have already had a rest). A ticket on a charter flight is significantly (sometimes 2-3 times) cheaper than regular flights and, as a rule, is included in the standard "package tour".

Booking and sale of tickets for charter flights through travel company.  

Going on a charter tour through a travel agency, you should make sure to obtain final confirmation of booking tickets for travel. You can clarify this information, contacting a specialist of the agency.


The order is accepted upon provision of foreign passport / passport.

For booking and registration of ticket on a charter flight you shall provide surname, first name of the passenger, date of birth, nationality and passport number.

The traveler should keep its passenger ticket and all unused flight coupons throughout the trip and provide them to the carrier at any time on demand.

In case of loss, damage of the ticket the passenger is not admitted for the flight, the cost of the ticket is not returned, a duplicate is not issued and no claim is accepted.

Responsibility for the delay of the charter flight.

Important information! All responsibility for the reschedule and flight delay with all the consequences (short vacation, cancellation and postponement of reservation, delayed delivery of passengers, baggage or cargo), shall be borne by the executor, ie AIRLINE! According to the air carriage contract (air ticket), demands and claims, including moral damages can be directed by passengers to the air carrier.

A traveler should remember that he is free to choose a charter flight, aircraft, points of arrival and departure, meanwhile, travel agency, in this case acts as the attorney in purchasing a ticket on behalf and in the interest of holidaymaker. In order to avoid any unpleasant situations that could spoil the holidays, travel agencies who value customers are willing to organize a telephone and inform tourists about the planned departure, help in the organization of meals, transfer to another flight, organize a night transfer, negotiate with the airline on behalf of the client, but these actions - are an act of goodwill!